“Vanishing Animals” TCG
A set of educational trading cards about animal conservation.
Icon System Legend
The icon system is split into two classifications: animal type and animal rarity. Each card is marked with an icon for the type of animal on the card. Each animal icon is also associated with a color that dictates the color of the layout elements on the card (Bird=red, Mammal=orange, Bug=yellow, Reptile=green, Aquatic=blue, and Amphibian=purple). Recently Extinct cards’ animal type icons are grayed out.
The ram head icon represents the rarity/level of abundance of each animal (living ram=Vulnerable animal, half-skull=Endangered animal, full skull=Recently Extinct animal).
Full Card Set
The “Vanishing Animals” card set was printed and presented at a mock trade show attended by around 100 people. Stickers featuring the Endangered ram icon were given out to each of the visitors while they listened to the pitch. While “Vanishing Animals’s” main goal is to educate about conservation, the eye-catching illustrations and rarity system account for collectability as much as education. They were pitched as an educational resource that would be as at home in a zoo gift shop as they would in a hobby store.
“Vanishing Animals” was well-received by the audience and received multiple compliments on its professional-looking style and clarity of concept. Multiple visitors commented on the effectiveness of the illustration style in getting consumers to care about conservation.
See a full scroll of all 27 cards in the set below.