Ceramic Sculpture Gallery
A compilation of various ceramic sculpture work.
Rainbow Dragon Series
The goal for this project was to create a series of related sculptural forms. Dragons as subject matter allow for a lot of flexibility of form, while still clearly reading as a dragon. This series tests this idea by using very different shapes for each sculpture.
(Inquire for sales; yellow, green, purple, and blue still available)
Gargoyle Sculpture
This sculpture was a follow-up to the Rainbow Dragon series. At over a foot tall, this gargoyle towers over the rest of the dragons. It continues pushing the definition of “dragon” by combining several unrelated creatures. A dog and a seahorse were the main sources of inspiration.
Bat Mug
First foray into the relationship between form and function in ceramics. This bat mug combines a functional, everyday object with decorative, sculptural elements. Unfortunately (ironically) ended up non-functional due to bubbling in the glaze.
(Not for sale)